Tuesday, June 22, 2010

They want me to do what now?

During the span of my 20+ years of life, I've probably sampled 20+ diets and workout fads. None of which worked significantly better than the other - or which have left me with long-lasting results, hence the 20+ attempts - and all of which tested my willpower, or lack thereof. Bikram yoga? Been there, done that, too hot. South Beach diet? Couldn't handle the blood sugar drops. Weight Watchers? Too many whiners, not enough action! I start out with the best intentions and quickly realize I just don't care or six pack abs aren't realistic. This time it's different... there's real motivation at stake. Beachy vacation + bikini + permanent photos = beyond scared straight. This time, it's real.

I'm attempting a merging of methods in order to get myself "bikini ready" in the next 30 days. I've acquired the "Skinny Bitch" book (they're quite mean, really), a handful of P90x dvds, and my running shoes. Now, before I run around emptying my pantry cabinets of things deemed "unskinny-like," I think it's important to recognize while I've failed so many times in the past - too much, too soon. The strategy will be to add a few new "diet tasks" into my daily regime until it feels more like an acceptable lifestyle choice vice torture method. First up - caffeine.

Yes, caffeine. My friend, my foe, my biggest vice. My arch nemesis - Diet Coke. The mother of all (my) vices, I have never successfully been able to quit this brown syrupy goodness. Once a firm believer in regular, classic Coca-Cola, I was introduced to Diet Coke when I went away to college (thank you, sorority!) and have never looked back. This liquid cocaine has a hold on me unlike any other caffeine product I've ever encountered before - including chocolate.

Per the Skinny Bitches, Diet Coke (err, diet soda) is the worst culprit of all. Not only does it have caffeine, but it's packed with artificial sweeteners. Apparently aspartame is at constant war with the FDA and never should've been legalized in the first place... in addition to a host of other awesome side effects like cancer, diabetes, ADD, etc. And I've had a veritable IV of this stuff in my veins for how long?? I feel like I've always had this information in the back of my mind somewhere, and clearly, it's never stopped me. What did get me is how this stuff is supposedly storing loads of fat deposits in my ass and I've not attempted to do anything about it. While I admire a nice Kim Kardashian-esque bum like the next person, I'm not about to have one if I can prevent it.

Caffeine - out, decaf green tea - in. This should be fun.

15lbs in 30 days, take one!

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